Our Hip Hop classes are a high energy combination of freestyle dance that focuses on creativity, rhythm and fun!
At Steps Hip Hop classes, students are encouraged to embrace their unique style, be creative, and tell their own stories through movement. Students develop dance skills and flexibility while learning how to respond creatively to music. Hip Hop is the perfect class for fostering individuality, and celebrating diversity!
Our amazing Hip Hop teachers create a supportive and inclusive environment, where dancers of all levels can learn, grow, and have fun!
Hip Hop Class Locations and Timetable
We offer hip hop dance classes in Gisborne, Woodend, and Yarraville.
Check our 2024 class timetables to find a contemporary dance class
Enroll in Hip Hop Classes
Please feel free to contact us with any queries you have regarding acro classes.
Call us on 0405 846 668 or email enquiries@stepsperformingarts.com.au or enroll online now.