Acro classes are a combination of dance and gymnastics that develop flexibility, strength, skills and creativity and they are lots of fun!
Acrobatics classes are a growing passion for many students at Steps who want to expand their physical and mental skills outside of the traditional dance disciplines. Flexibility and strength are developed through a gymnastic focus, where students learn high energy moves such as aerials, cartwheels and walkovers, as well as various stands, bridges and balancing techniques.
Acrobatics Class Locations and Timetable
We offer acro classes in Woodend, Kyneton and Yarraville.
Check our 2024 class timetables to find an acro class.
Enroll in Acrobatics Classes
Please feel free to contact us with any queries you have regarding acro classes.
Call us on 0405 846 668 or email enquiries@stepsperformingarts.com.au or enroll online now.